Canada is a great place to live
Climate action is how we can make sure Canadians can have the future we want:
a great life, in a great community, in a great country.
Here's How
We start by finding climate solutions that make sense:
solutions that are easy, affordable, and desirable
solutions that improve our lives
solutions that strengthen our communities
solutions that build our country
Climate Action Canada offers ideas to help climate leaders design better climate plans and programs.
These ideas will lead to:
Better Climate Plans
A Thousand Climate Plans
Better Climate Plans
The big difference is to design a climate plan from the bottom up.
- Start with people and communities. They are our clients.
- Work with community groups, organizations, and businesses. They are our allies. Find common ground and a common vision.
- Develop integrated solutions. Climate friendly solutions that support communities and local economies.
- Collaborate. Find where you can lead, where you need help, and how you can help others.
- Find solutions people want. If climate solutions are to be effective in the long run, they must be easy, affordable, and (above all) desirable.

A Thousand Climate Plans
The other big difference is to design not just one big climate plan, but a thousand interconnected plans from communities, businesses, organizations, and governments. Each plan reflects the needs, aspirations, available resources, and commitment of those who draft it. And a thousand plans leads to the level of action and commitment that will to get us to the future we want.
- A vision (transformation)
- Priorities and targets
- Leadership
- Partnerships
- Support programs and funding
- All party support
- A vision (market transformation)
- Products and/or services
- Collaboration
- Community Support
- A community vision
- A community network and resources
- Community priorities
- Volunteer energy
- Funded projects
- Research centres
- Solution leaders
- Funders
- Promoters